Tarte Games

** Welcome! **

(English follows Japanese)



2023年5月13日 (土) のゲームマーケット2023春に出展しました。お越しくださった皆さま、ありがとうございました。次回のイベント出展は未定ですが、新作ゲームは2作が進行中で、近日中にはどちらか1作を発表できる見込みです。どうぞご期待ください!

Hi there!

Tarte Games is an indie board game maker (that’s me!) participating mainly in Tokyo Game Market. I have designed several small board/card games since 2016.

In the page FREE2PLAY, you can download many rules of playing card games. Wish you’ll try and enjoy any of them!

I have participated in Tokyo Game Market 2023 Spring, on May 13 (Sat), 2023. Thank you so much for those who visited our booth. The next event I would join is not decided for now, but I am playtesting two new board games for release in the near future. Stay tuned!

ゲームデザイナー Game Designer

鈴木 一馬(すずき かずま) Twitter

代表作はゲーム『赤と黒』『サン・ジミニャーノの塔』『三津浜』『ラミーファイブ』、同人誌『ルールズ・フォー・ルールズ』『ボードゲーム・スタディーズ』『ブルームーン・マスターズ』。『三津浜』で2019年ゲームマーケット大賞一次選考通過。トランプゲーム『シンカー』でTrick Taking Partyゲーム賞2017準大賞を受賞。2018年度ブルームーン・レジェンド日本選手権優勝。2022年、グループSNE主催「サメゲームコンテスト」佳作。

Kazuma Suzuki Twitter

Born in 1982, Ehime, Japan. Live in Tokyo. A Sunday game designer, working on proofreading/translating in weekdays. Have ADHD and ASD. He/Him.

Love to play auction games such as Medici and Modern Art; area-controlling games such as Go, Carcassonne and Hacienda; standard playing card games such as Contract Bridge (just a beginner!), Skat, Doppelkopf and Gin Rummy; and many others.

My works include games: Le Rouge et le Noir, Le Torri di San Gimignano, Somnia, Mitsuhama, and JP books: Play Together!, Rules for Rules, Blue Moon Masters (a walkthrough book of Reiner Knizia’s Blue Moon). Many of the games have English rules – and I’d like to keep designing new games that many gamers outside Japan can enjoy!

© 2025 Tarte Games

テーマの著者 Anders Norén